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6 Digit Seven Segment Red Display (H3BR7x)


SKU: H3BR70 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,

6 Digit Seven Segment Red Display

Stage: Production

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The H3BR7x module is a 6-digit seven-segment red display module based on the STM32G0 MCU and featuring the 3661BS, a 0.36-inch red LED screen with 6 digits and 8 segments (common anode). This module is part of the Hexabitz modular electronics system, designed for easy integration and expansion of electronic projects.

The STM32G0 MCU provides the processing power for controlling the display, while the 3661BS LED screen offers bright and clear red digits with 8 segments per digit. The common anode configuration simplifies the wiring and control of the display.

Overall, the H3BR7x module is a versatile and compact solution for adding a 6-digit seven-segment red display to your projects, with the flexibility to be easily combined with other Hexabitz modules for expanded functionality.




  • 3661BS six digit 7 segment display:
    • Features:
      •  0.36 inches, 6 digits, RED, 7-segment display LED, common anode.


  • STM32G0B1CEU6N 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 MCU.
  • 8MHz external oscillator.
  • Five array ports and ten power ports (+3.3V and GND).
  • Access to 5xUART, BOOT0, RESET.

Physical Properties

  • Shape: Dual-hexagon
  • Size: 60 mm short diagonal, 17.32 mm side
  • Area: 15.6 cm^2
  • Weight: 20 g
  • Soldermask Color: Dark green
  • Surface Finish: ENIG (gold) or HASL-LF (tin)


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  • Schematics (PDF)
  • Hardware Design Files (EAGLE)
  • Source Code (GitHub). Download a pre-compiled firmware HEX file here.
  • Documentation / Factsheet (PDF)
  • Projects & Examples: Please check our account on Hackster.io for demo projects and examples.