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STLINK-V3MODS Programmer (H40Rx)


STLINK-V3MODS Programmer

Stage: Production

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H40Rx is a programmer module which contains STLINK-V3MODS stand-alone debugging and programming mini probe for STM32 microcontrollers (Hexabitz modules and other MCUs).

It supports the SWD (Serial Wire Debugging) interface for the communication with any STM32 microcontroller located on an application board.

It also provides bridge interfaces to several communication protocols, allowing for instance the programming of the target through bootloader.

The ideal application is to weld the upper and lower pads (preferably at the beginning and end of the contiguity, i.e. four-point welding), without using external connecting wires.



  • STLINK-V3MODS debugging and programming probe for STM32 microcontrollers (STM32F723xx):
    • Arm Cortex-M7 32-bit RISC core operating at up to 216 MHz.
    • A Flash memory up to 512 Kbytes, 256 Kbytes of SRAM.
  • SWD interface.


  • Four array ports and Four power ports (+3.3V and GND).

Physical Properties

  • Shape: Hexagon
  • Size: 30 mm short diagonal, 17.32 mm side
  • Area: 7.8 cm^2
  • Weight: 1.3 g
  • Soldermask Color: Dark green
  • Surface Finish: ENIG (gold) or HASL-LF (tin)


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Quickstart Guide

Download a PDF version here.


Frequently Asked Questions

The ideal application is to weld the upper and lower pads (preferably at the beginning and end of the contiguity, i.e. four-point welding), without using external connecting wires.

Have more questions? Please check our main FAQ page and feel free to contact us for any unanswered questions.


  • Schematics (PDF)
  • Hardware Design Files (Eagle)
  • Documentation / Factsheet (PDF)
  • Projects & Examples: Please check our account on Hackster.io for demo projects and examples.