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  5. Use Hexabitz CLI on Ubuntu OS with Putty

Use Hexabitz CLI on Ubuntu OS with Putty

  1. Login into Ubuntu Desktop. Then open LX Terminal.
  2. Install PuTTY on Ubuntu and other Linux distributions. PuTTY is a terminal emulator for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. PuTTY supports a wide range of protocols such as serial, SSH. You can install Putty with this command:
  3. In order to find out which /dev/tty* is your serial port after plugging in USB cable, use this command:Note:When you are using our standard FTDI USB-UART 3.3V cable for power and communication, connect the colored cable wires as follows:
    • Red (VCC) to 3.3V (top power pad, i.e., corner edge pad).
    • Black (GND) to GND (bottom power pad, i.e., corner edge pad).
    • Yellow (RXD) to MCU TXD (top communication pad, i.e., side edge pad).
    • Orange (TXD) to MCU RXD (bottom communication pad, i.e., side edge pad).
  4. Now you can start Putty using this command: sudo putty
  5. As you can see in the screenshot below, the Linux version of Putty looks the same as the Windows version.
    First, switch the Connection Type to Serial then edit the Serial Line to match the COM port you want to use and edit the Speed to match the BAUD Rate to 921600. After you click on Open button, the connection window will appear as you can see in the screenshot below.
  6. Then you should press the ENTER keyboard key to start the communication session. You should see the CLI welcome message shown below. It tells you the ID of the module you are connected to, and through which array port.

Now let’s try some commands to test H08R60 IR ToF (Lidar) Sensor module.


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