This kit provides a nice access to the world of sensors and data logging! With a variety of mechanical sensors (momentary, tactile, toggle, magnetic, optical), an infrared (IR) ranging module and a battery module you basically have many types of input devices that can be interfaced to the RGB LED for some actions or to the micro SD card module for data logging. Two through-hole proto modules are also included for prototyping.
- 1 x 1D Lidar IR sensor module (H08R60).
- 1 x Micro SD memory card module (H1BR60).
- 1 x RGB LED module (H01R00).
- 1 x Dual, in-series, coin cell battery holders module (H04R20).
- 2 x 100-mil through-hole (TPH) proto board module (H00R40).
- 3 x Tactile SPST-NO momentary switch.
- 3 x On-Off SPDT vertical slide switch.
- 3 x SPST-NO/NC hinge lever momentary plastic micro limit switch.
- 1 x SPST-NO magnetic reed switch.
- 1 x SPST-NC optical limit switch end stop.
Note: This kit does not ship with wires for the micro limit switches, nor with coin cell batteries.